Colourful Paper Cut CollageTrees

During the all day workshop for Hampshire Art teachers (both in Secondary and Primary settings) - I showed the teachers how to add colour to their black paper tree papercuts. This was in the form of simply laying colours underneath the black papercuts, but also talking about cutting areas to fit exactly to make a more accurate and tight looking collage piece. This full day workshop really gave the teachers time to understand the techniques and flourish in their own creative skills too. Essential time to try things out, to see how they worked in order for them to take those skills right back into the classrooms for their pupils.  Here are some examples of the pieces made and you can see how beautiful and advanced they are. Some teachers immediately took the symmetrical principles and experimented with other forms like insects. That was fantastic to see. 

The workshop was supported by Specialist Crafts/Dryad Educational, so we had plenty of materials to use. The materials were everyday items that can be easily bought through counties supplies or companies like Dryad/Specialist Crafts etc. We used PVA glue as well as glue sticks, fadeless backing paper for displays in black and mixed colours, A3 cartridge paper, pencils, rubbers and children's scissors. 

This work was produced by Hampshire County Council teachers across the county.