Paper headdress workshop with littlies! Brazilian carnival day at a Surrey Infant School.....

Just recently I has the lovely experience of going back into the Primary school world and ran a set of workshops with really little ones at the wonderful St. Peter and St. Paul's C of E Infant School in Chaldon, Surrey. I was there as part of a carnival day, where the 87 pupils would be working with me making headdresses out of simple paper components, and with a drummer and dancer too. The whole day would culminate in a kind of performance and all the children would have the chance to experience a taste of Carnival!! Reception Year 1, and Year 2 were all involved, as were the TA's and the class teachers. We had about an hour with each class, so it was pretty full on to get the headdresses made.

The day was based on a rotating carousel of activities, so it meant that each child worked with each practitioner. I designed things that would be simple to customise and put together. You can see examples of what was made below......

You can see above some of the headdresses the children made. I supplied precut shapes and bands and then the children were able to customise and design their own headdress. The older ones in Yr 2 used the pipe cleaners, ensuring that their headdresses really did jiggle and wiggle when hey dance and played the percussion instruments.

Fantastic to see the teachers get really involved......

Headdresses with animals......

Headdresses as crowns.........

And headdresses that show a rain forest and the animals!