Paper Flowers workshop at Hitchin Lavender

Just a couple of months ago I ran another couple of workshops at the beautiful Hitchin Lavender in Ickleford. I've run paper flowers workshops for children before but this was the first chance to run one for adults and it was fab! I really enjoyed experimenting and making the pieces to show people on the workshop and it made me realise just a tiny bit how complex the structures of flowers are! My favourites to make were the cornflowers. I really loved making these as they are such a beautiful colour and somehow seem like a flower set apart from others. The cornflower has a very chequered and conflicting past as a symbol, being related to Austria and Nazi Germany as well as often used as a symbol for remembrance and hospices.

The flowers made on the workshop were realistic ones and imaginary ones too. By looking at real flowers, we could get a sense of the internal structure and then apply that to making something from our imaginations. It set off loads of about petals with poetry and text on then, flowers to tell a story or be a visual song? My mind was set racing again as it often is on a workshop. Its the creative space that does it.

  People gathered making and chattering has a special magic.

All the materials used were easy to come by. Garden wire, painted sheets of photocopy/printer paper, scissors and book binding glue and a few pre printed patterned papers were great to use too. And having rulers and compasses helped too for those who found it hard to draw a circle freehand.