I ran a family drop in workshop yesterday at the
Broadway Gallery in Letchworth. After its relaunch and refurbishment, the gallery has started to run these weekend workshops and having taught many workshops there, it was great to be back in a familiar but sort of new space! For the workshop I designed an activity that would link to Richard Smith's current exhibition there. In his work there is a theme of interweaving shapes and pattern as well as architectural paper cutting and folding. I thought paper weaving would work really well especially if had prepped up some sheets with textured colour to work on. it worked really well as you can see form the work made below! I think definite echoes of Kandinsky! It was great to see so much bright and vibrant colour spread across the table.
The ages ranges from 4 up to adults. Mums and dads cam and made art with their children, and even felt really happy to make one themselves, so that was wonderful to see. The usual magic of workshops happened again.... about an hour in the tables were full and the room quiet with everyone concentrating.
Its always a precious magical moment!
Scroll through the images below to see what was made. I brought with me the coloured sheets, strips of paper made from fadeless display paper and A4 white and coloured sheets. I had precut shapes too for people to just cut and stick.
Prepped sheets painted with water soluble pencils and water |
A washing line of vibrancy! |
Simple paper weaving.... |
Tonal work and making a scene - this was the sea and the twinkling light of the stars.... |
A table full of colour and paper |
Beautiful, measured collage made from the prepped painted sheets......Miss. Kemp aged 10 |
A very intricate and precise collage made. All these pieces were cut individually to fit together. |
Stunning collage made by one of the mums. oven papers, collage and refined placement. |