Soap carving at Art Skills Club, Letchworth Art Centre
This session at Art Skills Club was for students to have the chance to have a go at soap carving. It uses the simplest of materials, just household soap and unsharpened kitchen knives and round ended scissors. Students cut into the surface, as well as cutting large areas away to reveal forms. they found that some shapes didn't work at all as the soap crumbled away too much. Strong forms worked well though, as did more textural surface mark-making. 3D masks worked well too, as you could cut geometric and structural shapes into the soap easily.
A selection of the students pieces - my example is the face on the top left |
More examples of the students pieces |
Monster soap face by Nicholas |
Torso by Erin Sunderland |
Ring by Nicholas |
Tim Burton inspired face |
face and textural carving by Alex Daniels |