Paper Princes and Princesses - Stonehill School Art Club

Here are the one arm moving Princes and Princessess that the children at Stonehill School Art Club made with me this week. With only a couple of days to go for the Royal Wedding I knew the children would love to do something to do with it. When they were finished it was funny and lovely to see the children getting their figures to wave royally at each other!

Paper collages - exploring rectalinear forms - Stonehill art Club, March 2011

This session was about the children making a paper collage by using pre-cut shapes like squares, strips and rectangles. I cut the shapes for the students to use and had them in little pots. The children selected the shapes and colour that they liked and then arranged their collages, some glued as they went, others arranged their shapes and then glued as the final stage. Below are two of my collages that I used show the childen the sort of image I wanted them to achieve - explaining how I had used symmetry, repetition and balance. I wanted them to have quite tight restrictions, to make images that had a strong sense of form and structure to them. I think they did well for kids aged 8 and up.

Paper collages - compositions with rectalinear forms - Stonehill School Art Club, March 2011

Paper collages with squares, rectangles and strips - Stonehill School Art Club March 2011

Some more of the collages that the children made. It was fantastic to see the 3D elements start to happen!

A table full of paper colour