Stonehill School - paper butterflies - the simplest ideas sometimes work the best...

Sometimes the simplest ideas just work the best. These little butterflies are from the hour long art club I run at Stonehill School at the moment. the group consists of about twelve children that range from very much lower ability to the gifted and talented children. I have designed activities that encompass the whole groups needs, so that the tasks can be simple and component based on one end through to more sophisticated approach for the more able students. The paper I used for the butterflies was a very thing white paper, chosen especially so they make a good flappy noise. The paper butterflies are just attached onto coffee stirrer sticks with double sided tape. I thought the boys would struggle with this as butterflies are so decorative - but they actually really enjoyed it. One boy said how proud he was of it and that made my day as its been a struggle at times to engage a few of them. It was a real little triumph for me. A real little precious triumph.